Our Case Studies

Generative Vision | Plai Labs

0 to viral Stable Diffusion AI app in 4 months

See how Eventum helped launch an app into the App Store in 4 months, currently going viral Generative AI next gen social media

Read the Case Study on Plai Labs
AI Training | DeepCell

50% error and 90% Manual Labeling Reduction

Learn how Eventum helped DeepCell reduce manual oversight by 90%, provided R&D roadmapping & mentorship of ML team

Read the Case Study on DeepCell
AI Training | Sanas

40% faster ML Dev cycle with MLOps and ETL

Discover how we implemented Dagster (we are their first trusted ML partner) to automate the ML Scientist's workflows.

Read the Case Study on Sanas
Generative Vision | Plai Labs

Revolutionizing Information Sharing with LLMs

Learn how the implementation of Roko AI for governance, highlighting its powerful features had an impact on the DAO's operations

Read the Case Study on Nouns DAO